4th Invent Conference has been organised in Istanbul – TURKIYE
Conference has been chaired by Prof. Dr Ugur ATIKOL from Eastern Mediterranean University. Prof.Dr. Mete TAYANC from Marmara University, Prof. Dr. Birol KILKIS from Baskent University, gave keynote talks.
Conference had participation from 10 different countries.

Conference organised in collaboration with Smolny Institute of the Russian Academy of Education
3rd Invent Conference has been organised in St. Petersburg – RUSSIA
Conference has been chaired by Prof. Dr Ugur ATIKOL from Eastern Mediterranean University.

2nd Invent Conference has been organised in Helsinki – FINLAND
Conference has been chaired by Prof. Dr Ugur ATIKOL from Eastern Mediterranean University. Prof.Dr. Özer ARNAS from Military Academy at West Point, Prof.Dr. Reinhard HAAS from Technical University of Vienna and Assoc Prof.Dr. Amela AJANOVIC from Technical University of Vienna gave keynote talks.
Conference had participation from 9 different countries.

1st Invent Conference has been organised in Dubai – UAE.
Conference has been chaired by Prof. Dr Ugur ATIKOL from Eastern Mediterranean University. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Gadalla from American University of Sharjah and Prof. Dr. Hussein GHARIBI from Tarbiat Modares University gave keynote talk
Conference had participation from 5 different countries.